ent by the GPS satellite, real-time calculating 3D position,even the station position, three-dimensional velocity and time.
Static positioning, GPS receiver fixed in the process of acquisition and tracking of GPS satellite communication time, high-precision measurement of GPS receiver signalknown locations, the use of GPS satellites in orbit, the three-dimensional coordinate to calculate the location of the receiver antenna. The dynamic positioning is trajectorydetermination of a moving object using GPS receiver. Motion object GPS receiver is located is called the carrier (such as sailing ships, the plane in the air, the walkingvehicle). GPS receiver antenna on the carrier in the process of tracking GPS satellitesrelative to the earth movement, state parameters with real-time GPS receiver signal measured motion vector (transient three-dimensional position and velocity).
The software package processing inside the receiver hardware and software, as well as the GPS data, a complete GPS user equipment. The structure of GPS receiverantenna unit and the receiving unit is divided into two parts. For geodesic type receiver, two units are generally divided into two separate parts, the antenna unit arranged in the observation station, the receiving unit in measuring the appropriate place near the station, with cable connects the two into a machine. Also some of the antenna unit and receiving unit are made into a whole, observations in the measurement of its placement on the site.